The Motherboard is Complete!
I'm thrilled to have completed my most powerful pedalboard yet! I've envisioned it for nearly two years, and finally, the necessary pieces have become available to me. A huge thanks goes out to everyone who contributed to this project, including the guys at Templeboards, Source Audio, Voodoo Lab, Vertex, and Evidence Audio. And what would an awesome pedalboard be without the perfect bass to play through it? Thank you, Spector and Dunlop! 2016 is looking good.
Spector Euro5 LX, Dunlop Super Bright Nickel Wound Bass Strings Templeboard Trio 43 Vertex Boost Source Audio: AfterShock, Lunar, Vertigo, Nemesis, MBD, Manta, Hot Hand 3 (X2), HUB (X2), Reflex, and Soleman.
Voodoolab Mondo Power Supply (X2), Evidence Audio Monorail Cables, Midi Solutions T8, and flashing LED strip.